IATSE Training Trust Fund

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Hotel Subsidies Now Available for Train the Trainer

The TTF is pleased to announce that we can now offer hotel subsidies to locals sending trainers to the Train the Trainer: Teaching Techniques and Presentation Skills course. The subsidy application must be submitted together with an application to attend a 2017 session of the TTF Train the Trainer: Teaching Techniques and Presentation Skills. The subsidies are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis to qualifying locals. Subsidies, when awarded, are non-transferable. Click here to download an application and read on for more details.

How much is the subsidy?

The subsidy reimburses the actual cost of up to three nights lodging for up to $250 per night (room and taxes only, at a maximum of $750 for three nights or $500 for two nights) and will be paid as a reimbursement to the local union. Transportation, meals, and incidentals continue to be the responsibility of the local union and/or the individual students. Verification that the local union paid the hotel bill along with the full itemized receipt must be submitted no more than 30 days after the training. The invoice form and reimbursement process will be sent to local unions once they are approved for the subsidy.  A limited number of subsidies are available for each of the TTF Train the Trainer: Teaching Techniques and Presentation Skills sessions and will be awarded subject to eligibility and on a first-come, first-served basis to qualifying local unions. Each qualifying local union may receive subsidies for no more than three trainers per calendar year. The individual trainers being subsidized to attend need to complete and return all Training Reports, Recommended Trainer Form, and other TTF forms collecting information about training.

Who is eligible for the subsidy?

Local unions who submit a Form LM-4 or LM-3 (or, in the case of Canadian locals, those that have gross yearly receipts totaling less than $250,000) are eligible for a hotel subsidy in order to attend one of the scheduled sessions of the 2017 TTF Train the Trainer: Teaching Techniques and Presentation Skills. The application form will ask subsidy applicants to attest that their local falls within this category.

Subsidy applications are processed and awarded to qualifying locals on a first-come, first-served basis as they are received. Subsidies are limited, but qualifying locals that submit an application after the allotted subsidies for a course have been awarded may be placed on a waitlist.

How do local unions apply for the subsidy?

The subsidy request form should be submitted together with a local union’s regular application/nomination form to the TTF Train the Trainer. Both forms must be signed by an authorized representative of the Local Union’s Executive Board and the trainer being nominated for the subsidy.