Online Safety Training Outreach with Local 491

The IATSE Training Trust Fund & IATSE Local 491 held special outreach events to inform Local 491 members about their eligibility for motion picture and television online safety training courses. Two online safety courses developed by Safety Pass - “General Safety“ or the “A” course and “Environmental Safety“ or the “A2” course - are currently available to workers covered under the 2015–2018 Area Standards Agreement (ASA). The TTF and union visited the sets of ASA productions in Savannah, GA and Charleston, SC to let workers know about these courses. As a result of these visits, we collected over 100 applications from workers interested in the training. These visits were followed by two registration and enrollment events at the Tubby Tank’s House in Savannah and Embassy Suites in North Charleston with an attendance of 30-40 IATSE workers at each event.

The success of the online safety program would not be possible without the support of IATSE locals. Therefore, the IATSE TTF truly appreciates everyone’s continued support for the program.

A big thank you to all IATSE Local 491 workers who attended the registration and enrollment events in Savannah, GA and Charleston, NC.

If your local has work under the 2015-2018 IATSE Area Standard Agreement and you are interested in these online safety courses, please fill out an application and email it to us to enroll.